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Gourmet Tempeh Chips

Truly No.1 Tempeh Chips in Malaysia

A True Superfood Snack

Overall Rating of 8.0/10.0 during Beta Testing!

A Little About Tempeh

Tempeh is a staple food for Indonesians. They are accidentally discovered in the process of tofu making in Java around the 17th century.

The popularity of tempeh has grown globally as a superfood and many people around the world have started consuming tempeh as part of a healthy diet.

Tempeh chips are invented later on, where tempeh is fermented together with flour which created these crispy thin slices of tempeh.

We, Truly Gourmet not only make the best Tempeh Chips but also make them gourmet!

How Truly Gourmet’s Tempeh Chips is Made?

tempeh beans

Step 1

Selection of High Quality Non-GMO soy beans

time to cook tempeh

Step 2

Soak Overnight

soaking time tempeh

Step 3

Dehulled and Cook

fermentation of tempeh

Step 4

Fermentation for a few days

how to cook tempeh

Step 5

Slice and Fry

The process of making tempeh chips are very delicate and time-consuming, it takes about 7 days from the soaking of beans to packing and sealing of the product. We have spent over 12 months to develop and perfect our tempeh chips’ making process!

Why Truly Gourmet’s Tempeh Chips?

Every reason why tempeh chips are a great and healthier alternative.

superfood tempeh


Tempeh is widely recognized as a superfood due to its many health benefits!

vegan vegetarian tempeh

Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly

100% no animal products!

vitamins and minerals tempeh

Vitamins and Minerals

Complete source of Vitamin B complex – Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folate, and B12.

gluten free tempeh

Gluten Free

Gluten-sensitive? No worries, you are not left out!

high protein tempeh

High Quality Protein

Dairy-free source of protein and is a complete source of protein with all 9 essentials amino acids.


Rich in Nutrients

Good source of protein, iron, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.

calcium in tempeh

Dairy-Free Calcium

Dairy-free source of calcium to increase bone density and prevent bone loss.

healthy heart

Cholesterol Free

Rest assured that even the frying oil that we use is cholesterol-free.

Isoflavon soy

Soy Isoflavones

*Clinical studies show that soy isoflavones possess antioxidant properties, may decrease blood cholesterol levels, and could be beneficial in decreasing oxidative stress and chronic disease.

Beta Tester Development

Test result are collected from 1st December 2020 – 26th December 2020



No. of Beta Tester

Fulfilled Samples

Data displayed are live and untampered

Data are collected from random volunteered testers

Data are embedded with Google Forms

Rating 1 = Bad, rating 10 = Best

For mobile phone, please turn your mobile to Horizontal to view the chart in full

Soy Isoflavones

Clinical studies show that soy isoflavones possess antioxidant properties, may decrease blood cholesterol levels and could be beneficial in decreasing oxidative stress and chronic disease. Soy isoflavones are considered one of the major bioactive compounds.

Rhizopus Oligosporus

Even after it is consumed, Rhizopus oligosporus produces an antibiotic that limits gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus (potentially harmful). Rhizopus also contributed to a decrease in the total fatty acid content.


The soy in tempeh becomes more digestible as a result of the fermentation process. The fermentation process also reduces the phytic acid in soy, which in turn allows the body to absorb the minerals that soy provides.

9 Reasons to Enjoy Truly Gourmet's Tempeh Chips

  1. Vegan & Vegetarians
  2. Superfood
  3. Gluten-Free
  4. No Preservatives
  5. No Cholesterol
  6. Soy Isoflavones
  7. Complete Source of Protein
  8. Dairy-Free Calcium
  9. Vitamins & Minerals

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